Hieronder kunt u de publicatie ‘Werk Wijzer met ANW’ downloaden.
Werk Wijzer met ANW bestaat uit werkwijzers. De werkwijzers bieden docenten de mogelijkheid om nieuwe vormen uit te proberen in de organisatie, de omgang met leerstofinhouden en de toepassing van werkvormen. ‘Werk Wijzer met ANW’, is ook in een Engelstalige versie beschikbaar. Zodat docenten op een tweetalige school samen met leerlingen en collega’s de lessen ANW verder kunnen ontwikkelen.
Voor meer informatie verwijzen wij u naar ‘Verdieping Werk Wijzers’.
Guide Working students through SPU, 2003
SLO has developed the ‘Guide working students through Science for Public Understanding’, which contains activity sheets for teachers. The activity sheets give teachers the possibility to try out new methods in the organisation, subject matter approach and implementation of working methods.
Science for Public Understanding is a new subject. The aim is to enable students to make well-considered choices and to take part in discussions. Together with the teacher they are looking for answers to questions, such as: ‘How do you know whether something is true?’, ‘Is everything that is possible also allowed?’ This search requires a different approach to subject content, variation of different working methods and a new approach to the organisation of the lessons.
The teacher investigates ‘What am I going to do?’, ‘Why?’, ‘Which questions of Science for Public Understanding do I focus on?’, ‘How do I tackle that?’ and ‘When am I going to do this?’
The Science for Public Understanding Working Guide supports the teacher in this process.